PHP Info
This file can help you to identify which php modules/extensions installed and enabled on your server.
This solution very simple.
Step 1.
Connect to the server through SSH and be sure you have root credentials.
Navigate to public_html directory.
cd /home/websiteuser/public_html
Step 2.
Create file.
nano phpinfo.php
Copy to the file code below:
Save and quit from file editor.
Step 3.
Let's check file permissions and owner.
root@server [/home/ websiteuser/public_html]# ls -l | grep phpinfo
-rw------- 1 root root 24 Jun 5 13:34 phpinfo.php
As you see, owner of this file root, because we created this file under user root.
Change ownership:
chown websiteuser.websiteuser phpinfo.php
Change permissions:
chmod 644 phpinfo.php
Step 4.
Browse to this file from browser.
Now you see information page of apache & php. All modules and extensions.